Volker Rieger


Born 1986 in Göppingen. Studied law at the Eberhard Karls University of Tübingen. Legal clerkship at Hechingen District Court. Member of VOELKER since 2015, partner since 2025.
Consulting fields
Ongoing advice to secular / ecclesiastical social organizations, in particular service providers of integration assistance and care, especially in social / benefit law (SGB IX, SGB XI, SGB XII), home regulation law and WBVG law issues and in non-profit, commercial and association law issues
Advice on secular / ecclesiastical foundation and foundation supervisory law
Advice to religious communities, in particular in matters of canon law
Establishment and restructuring as well as ongoing advice to non-profit organizations (foundations, associations, non-profit corporations)
Volker Rieger Basic income support: Costs of accommodation and heating in accordance with Section 42a (3) SGB XII even if the person entitled to benefits lives in a multi-person household in a paid-off residential property? - Comment on the judgments of the Stuttgart Social Court of 29.7.2019 (S 16 SO 279/18) and 27.11.2019 (S 11 SO 4890/18) Social Law News, p.248 / 2020
Recent posts
Reform of the state foundation laws in the wake of the new foundation (civil) law, here: Baden-Württemberg
Background and overview
New BGB regulations on hybrid or purely virtual assemblies and meetings - for associations and foundations "by means of electronic communication"
for associations and foundations "by means of electronic communication"
Is the organizational structure in the existing foundation statutes still up to date?
Further legal changes and additions to association and foundation law at the turn of the year 2020/21 with regard to measures to combat the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Extension of the statutory regulations in association and foundation law in accordance with the GesRuaCOVBekG until 31.12.2021 - Combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
Combating the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic
What's next for out-of-hospital intensive care?
1. section 37c SGB V new entitlement to outpatient intensive care