Dr. Ulrike Brucklacher
Specialist lawyer for medical law


Born in 1974, studied law at the Universities of Jena and Tübingen, worked in law firms specializing in pharmaceutical and hospital law in Bonn and Munich from 2000 to 2007, joined the firm in 2008, became a partner in 2014.
Member and rapporteur in the Medical Law Committee of the German Bar Association and in the Medical Law Working Group of the German Bar Association.
Member of the Executive Committee of the Medical Law Working Group of the German Bar Association.
Member of the German Society for Statutory Health Insurance Physicians' Law and the German Society for Regenerative Medicine e.V.
Board member of the Association for the Promotion of Biotechnology and Medical Technology.
Lecturer in the bachelor's degree program in medical technology at the University of Stuttgart and Tübingen.
Areas of advice
Medical law
hospital law
Contract doctor law
Medical device and pharmaceutical law
Brucklacher The G-BA decision on a tiered system of emergency structures in hospitals 2023
Brucklacher The reorganization of outpatient intensive care in ZMGR 06/2022 (p. 308 ff.) / 2022
Brucklacher/Renz Billing of ZE 126 for matrix-associated autologous chondrocyte implantation - A judgment of the Duisburg Social Court in the light of the latest BSG case law on potential methods The Hospital 3/2022, p. 196-198 / 2022
Brucklacher/Renz Comment on Berlin-Brandenburg Regional Social Court, judgment of April 29, 2021 - L 14 KR 48/18: On the inclusion of a drainage product in the list of medical aids MPR 1/2022, P. 26-34 / 2022
Brucklacher / Dunker The new entitlement to transitional care in accordance with Section 39e SGB V - still much need for regulation and room for interpretation PflR 12/2021, 770 - 773 / 2021
Brucklacher Current legal requirements for reimbursement of the additional fee 126 for autologous matrix-induced chondrocyte transplantation , DOI 10.1055/a-1416-2834, Z Orthop Unfall 2021; 159: 243-245 / 2021
Brucklacher / Renz Problems with cross-sector discharge: recourse options for hospitals? The hospital 6/2020, p. 496-500 / 2020
Brucklacher / Dunker Federal framework recommendations and outpatient intensive care Beatmet Leben 3/2020, p. 34-35 / 2020
Upcoming events
Aktuelles im Gesundheitswesen 2025 Medical and social law
Erstattungsfähigkeit von Medizinprodukten und Diagnostika Medical and social law
Gesellschaftsverträge für (Zahn-)Ärzte Medical and social law Corporate law, M&A
Wie geht es weiter mit der Gesundheitsversorgung im ländlichen Raum Medical and social law
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Neues zu den Orphan Medical Devices
Digitale Gesundheitsanwendungen (DiGA) im Entlassmanagement
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Possibilities of telemedical cooperation within the framework of outpatient specialist care (ASV)
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